Do you know this? Stress, permanent time pressure and a lot of work give no room for relaxation anymore. You are restless and maybe prone to tantrums? Then it's time for a time out Bei.Gretel. With our Power Pack we offer you a holistic program as an interaction of Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yoga, Sound Therapy and bioenergetic techniques for the healing of mind, body and soul with the help of the method of Claudio Setti. It treats existing imbalances and improves your overall health with the goal of creating a lasting positive change in your life.
Burnout prevention cure
Bei Fragen ruf mich einfach unter 035021 593370 an oder schreibe mir eine Mail an Ich möchte dir an diesem wunderbaren Ort einen Raum schaffen, an dem du ein Stückchen Heilung erfahren kannst.
Bis bald im Bei.Gretel, ich freu mich auf dich, Angelika